The health and safety of our guests has always been one of our priorities. In this period that sees us all involved in the collaboration to get out of the health emergency Covid-19 we adopt all the common sense precautions and recommendations of the authorities to ensure our guests a safe and peaceful stay.

Access to the B & B will be allowed only if guests are in possession of Covid certifications required by law for accommodation facilities.

The B & B Rose Antiche will adopt all the safety measures indicated by the Abruzzo Region in the Safety Protocol “#ABRUZZOSICURA” of 16/05/2020 n. 33 and the guidelines of the CONFERENZA DELLE REGIONI E DELLE PROVINCE AUTONOME of 6/08/2020

Measures to be taken for the Covid-19 emergency


  • In case of simultaneous arrival of several families or people, the entrance to the B&B will be organised in such a way as to welcome in the reception area one at a time; only after the guests have entered their room will further people be welcomed;
  • When entering the B&B, guests must keep an adequate distance from the manager, wear a mask and refrain from shaking hands or greeting with hugs;
  • In case of registration of several people (groups, family groups, etc..) it is preferable to perform the check-in procedure with only the group leader who will collect the documents for registration from the other members. The other guests will enter the B&B afterwards and go directly to their rooms;
  • While maintaining the utmost cordiality and courtesy, the manager will not shake hands with guests, will keep an appropriate distance and will wear a mask and gloves;
    Guests will have their temperature measured and, if it is higher than 37.5°, all the prescriptions provided for in the above guidelines will be adopted;
  • Guests will provide identification documents, which are necessary for communications to the Public Safety authorities, by choosing to fill out a form and showing their documents or allowing the manager to take a photograph of them. After registration, the photos will be deleted;
  • It is preferable to settle the stay with electronic payments, avoiding the use of cash;
  • The manager will accompany guests to their room, providing all the necessary information to ensure safety and peace of mind;


  • Only cohabiting persons may stay in the room;
  • If there are other guests in other rooms within the B&B, the stay in the common areas should be limited as much as possible;
  • In the common areas a mask must be worn at all times and a suitable distance must be maintained;
  • In the terrace you must keep an adequate distance and wear a mask if you are not having breakfast;
  • The stay in the kitchen is allowed only to the occupants of the same room
  • The breakfast service, in the presence of several guests, will be organised in shifts with a direct scheduling of all guests on a calendar;
  • The use of the kitchen to prepare one’s own meals is suspended for the time being;
  • The B&B premises will be equipped with dispensers with disinfectant solutions;
  • Masks, disposable gloves and disinfectant will be made available to guests on request and possibly for a fee;


  • You will observe the same precautions / indications of the Check-In;

Cleaning and sanitation of premises

  • Sanitisation of the rooms is carried out by cleaning, deterging and subsequent disinfection with specific products (e.g. sodium hypochlorite solutions, ethyl alcohol, etc.) in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions for use;
  • Sanitisation and purification treatments are carried out after cleaning operations;
  • Cleaning materials (cloths, wipes and whatever is necessary for cleaning and dusting) are mainly disposable or previously treated with sodium hypochlorite solution or another treatment of equal effectiveness. Dirty linen is not used at all for cleaning.
  • Sheets, pillowcases and towels are supplied already sanitised by a qualified and certified laundry;
  • During cleaning, staff will wear clean clothes, gloves and a mask. They will provide periodic hand hygiene through the use of soap and water or through the use of alcoholic gels;
  • Guests must not be present in the rooms during cleaning;

Operational procedures for cleaning and sanitising premises

  • Ventilation by opening windows before undertaking cleaning operations;
  • Closure, removal and removal of bags from waste bins even if empty;
  • Carefully collecting used linen (sheets and towels) and placing them in a closed container. Dirty linen and clean linen are always kept in separate compartments;
  • Removing residues and dust, sweeping and washing floors, sanitary ware and bathroom fittings and sanitising them with appropriate products;
  • Cleaning with appropriate cleaning products and sanitising all surfaces that have come into contact with the guest, such as bedside tables, desks, chairs, tables, any furnishings, keys, remote controls, handles and pushbuttons, cupboards and drawers;
  • Internal cleaning of the refrigerator with water and vinegar or specific products;
  • Checking and cleaning kitchen equipment and dishes with degreasing products suitable for foodstuffs, rinsing with water;

To the guests we ask:

  • Maximum cooperation;
  • Wear a mask in the presence of other people and keep an appropriate distance;
  • Wash hands frequently;
  • Do not greet with handshakes and/or hugs;
  • Dispose of safety equipment in the pedal-operated waste bins located in the toilets;
  • In the presence of symptoms (dry cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, etc.) and/or fever, alert the health authorities and stay in your room until the doctors arrive. While waiting, wear a surgical mask, minimise contact with other people, even if they are family members, close the room door, turn off the air conditioning system if necessary and ventilate the room. Managers and no guests should enter the room occupied by the guest with symptoms.

Numbers to contact in case of need

  • Single emergency number 112 or 118 only if strictly necessary;
  • The public utility number 1500;
  • Regional Covid number 800 59 54 59.
  • Emergency medical service: L’Aquila 0862.366025 and Montereale 0862.902362
  • Nearest hospital: L’Aquila – San Salvatore Regional Hospital – via Lorenzo Natali 1, Coppito – Telephone Switchboard 0862.3681;

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